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Cave Corals

↓ Cave Corals
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Tamara Adame diving in one of the Yucatan Peninsula's caves.
Author: Tom St. George
Tamara Adame diving in one of the Yucatan Peninsula's caves.

Although in modern times science is a domain of professionals, not all important scientific and exploratory achievements result from academic activities conducted by universities. The importance of individual contributions to overall knowledge is invaluable when it comes to research in places requiring special diving skills and therefore accessible to a relatively small group of people. Tamara Adame occupies a unique and rare role as a citizen scientist in Quintana Roo, Mexico. In the heart of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, in the flooded caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, the Cave Corals project is underway, aiming to document the astonishing abundance of hidden coral fossils within them.

In 2013, Tamara Adame first dived into the cenotes and was immediately captivated by the unique abundance and diversity of coral fossils visible on the cave walls. Tamara is not only a certified cave diver but also a passionate naturalist and scientific diver. Building on her passion, in 2020 she initiated her inaugural citizen science endeavor - the creation of a comprehensive database of these coral fossils, using photographic identification techniques and macrophotography.

This project is important because coral fossils in the cave are often overlooked and taken for granted. There needs to be more information about them in the context of flooded caves, and they could hold important information for us to understand cave formation and development.

Tamara Adame, Explorer

For more information about Cave Corals, visit:


↓ Date of the project

2021 - ongoing

↓ Location
Flooded caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
↓ Goals

Identification, documentation, and creation of a database of various species of coral fossils that can be seen during the dives in the cenotes of Quintana Roo and associated cave systems.

↓ Team
  • Tamara Adame

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