Language → English

How to apply

Layer 1
Author: Laurent Miroult

Inspire us

Share your vision and dreams. You can write to us, share a film with us or surprise us. Just make sure you let us know how your project will impact on inspiring the world of diving. Tell us who is involved, tell us what motivates you and let us know what support you need.

Project Infinite Liquid, Greece
Author: Laurent Miroult

What we want to support

↓ Exploration
True exploration of wrecks, underwater caves, and remote diving sites.
↓ Conservation
The conservation and protection of marine environments, flora and fauna.
↓ Challenges
Challenges that explore the boundaries of sports diving.

Submit your exploration idea

We continuously evaluate incoming applications. We will thoroughly review your application within a maximum of a few weeks and then inform you about the extent of support we can offer for your project.

We will treat all information about the planned project that you provide us as confidential. If you wish, at this stage you can omit details concerning the location or team members.

Project details
Our support
Your contact data

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