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Infinite Liquid Greece

↓ Infinite Liquid Greece
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Carrying out underwater photography during a dive in one of the caves in the Arcadia region.
Author: Laurent Miroult
Carrying out underwater photography during a dive in one of the caves in the Arcadia region.

Cave diving is becoming an increasingly popular path for technical divers and an alternative to frequently visited wrecks for those dreaming of reaching less-traveled locations.

Mexico, Florida, France, and Italy are iconic destinations on the map of cave diving locations, yet many consider them too mainstream. The spirit of adventure in almost all cave divers awakens in these traditional meccas of cave diving, but over time there is a desire to discover new places. Fortunately, these countries are not the only locations in the world where incredible caves exist. For a group of pioneers and explorers, Greece has proven to be a hidden treasure.

The Infinite Liquid Project aims to present Greece with its amazing and breathtaking caves as a future alternative to popular locations.

One of the main goals of the project was to create material promoting the beauty of Greek caves in the Arcadia region. The result? An incredible film, highlighting the beauty and unexplored feel of Greek cave diving, even identifying one or two exploration leads.

Produced by award winning professional film makers and photographers, who also actively explore these caves, the film brings home the realism of venturing into these remote, unforgiving, but ultimately rewarding locations.

For more information about Infinite Liquid Greece, visit:


↓ Date of the project

21 - 29.05.2019

↓ Location
Arkadia, Greece
↓ Goals

Producing a documentary film that showcases to the global cave diving community the incredible exploration opportunities that Greece can provide for cave divers.

↓ Team
  • Stratis Kas
  • Matteo Ratto
  • Matteo Varenna
  • Simone Villotti
  • Nata Kas
  • Aris Ninios

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