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Expedition Miljacka II

↓ Expedition Miljacka II
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Members of the team preparing for a dive in the Mokranjska Miljacka cave.
Author: Florian Launette
Members of the team preparing for a dive in the Mokranjska Miljacka cave.

Exploration doesn't always involve preparing for an expedition, launching it, and returning with immediate results. Sometimes, it takes years of exploration, research, and careful planning to uncover the final discoveries. As the saying goes, "we stand on the shoulders of giants," and this project is a testament to that belief and the work of explorers spanning over 50 years.

Half a century ago, Branko Jalzic, one of the earliest explorers of Gospodska (Lords) Cave, had a strong conviction that there existed a profound connection to the legendary Cetina Glavas Spring. Sadly, during that time, the necessary equipment and expertise required to investigate this concept were not available. However, in 2021, an expedition led by Petra Kovac Konrad embarked on a mission to validate Branko's ideas once and for all.

The exploration, mapping, and deepening understanding of the interconnections between these caves, as well as gaining a broader perspective on hydrogeology, posed a significant challenge. Venturing into flooded caves deeper than 100 meters presented technical diving and logistical obstacles of the most extreme nature. With her PhD in Karstology and extensive experience as a caver and cave diver, Petra was the perfect leader to assemble a team capable of overcoming these challenges.

Cave Miljacka II is the largest cave in National Park Krka and part of the Zrmanja River catchment area. The project is important for National Park Krka because of the management of the cave as a habitat for several endemic troglobiontic species, such as Proteus anguinus and three species of bats.

Petra Kovač-Konrad, Explorer

For more information about Expedition Miljacka II, visit:


↓ Date of the project


↓ Location
Mokranjska Miljacka Cave, Croatia
↓ Goals
  • Identification and mapping of one of the largest cave systems in Dalmatia, likely extending over 3 km.

  • Investigation of the Cetina River's flows above and below ground.

  • Collection of data on the biodiversity of the Mokranjska Miljacka cave ecosystem, which will assist in developing an effective conservation and management program.
  • ↓ Achievements
    Achieving all the project's predetermined goals.
    ↓ Team
    • Petra Kovač-Konrad
    • Frederic Swierczynski

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